
Great explanation of arm depth in the golf swing at p3.
at p3 to p4 of top of the back swing the left arm distance from the chest is around the same as it was at address. 2d camera dl is tough to see this. amg or top view would show this
You want to leave a little slack between the arm arm and chest so they have some independent movement from the shoulders. Allowing the the ball and sockit joints to work independantly from the shoulders. this allows the arms to drop while the sholders are turning. another example of two movements at once.
allows also to bury the chest (left) into the left arm
Hip Tilts throughout swing
Hip Tilts throughout swing
clubface p2
angle magnet aid
'take away and left wrist angles
Weight Shift and Pressure Shift in the golf swing.
Backswing Secrect com cop
Weight and pressure locations at address and during backswing
1:57 The great ball strikers push of the front to start the backswing
Firing the Hips bad tip bad sequencing
clearing up all the aggressive early separation/rotation hysteria that is so prevalent in todays swing theories
GG downswing rebuttle
Step Drill- Fall Forward
normal stance pull left foot narrow
step-shuffle hit the ball
better explanation of the backswing more than the downswing.
I would say the intent of every drill is to learn the movement well enough so you don't have to think about it while playing. That drill is great at exposing a timing issue. It's designed to change your timing for the better.
Yes drills are drills🤷♂️ Every pro we've ever worked with has a swing thought on the course. No idea what the blinking analogy is supposed to convey. The swing is only about 1 second from address to impact.
I presume this is not the same for the driver for example as one puts more weight and tilt on the back foot in order to hit up rather than down. If so what is the process for say a hybrid - more like an iron? And fairway wood?
Athletic Motion Golf
This is the same for driver and all clubs in the bag. You don't need to (or want to) move weight back in order to hit up on it. We have a ton of swings where the angle of attack is positive while the pressure weight is forward👍
good Downswing exlpanation-
downswing begins before the backswing finishes
most golfers hips firing to fast and before the shoulders the realty is they both move together if anything the shoulders need to close the gap from 45 and 90 degrees at p4. the goal is to be basically even at p7 (?30 degrees)
Drill: two shafts one on hip and shoulders from p4 to p7
It take a world class golfer off the blocks 150 milliseconds in the downswing the difference between the hips and shoulders are 10 milliseconds. Basically zero
For reference, it takes 1/10 second to blink. The time between hips then torso takes is WAY less than that.
shoulders and hips same amount of open in degrees p7 to p8
Hand Speed and measurements to p7
10:33 Lag is a by product of increasing the hand speed not by holding the angle.
leaving the hands up
Passive arms/hands
Rotate hard
Handpath in the downswing and what starts it.
Chest is turning into the lead arm at the same time golfers shifted com forward and the arms are coming down.
all 3 things happening same time
Right arm straigtening as its coming down (maintaining the width as the club is coming down)... this is what sends the clubs center of mass behind you or more shallow.
If you go narrow it send the COM out in front of you.
The secret to impact is your clubface prior to impact.
The clubface is the ceo
Impact is not a position.
Impact - drills and feels
Squarer shoulders than hips due to tilt downward 1:15 video
Drill: p1 set up then stand up hinge and let shaft lay down bowed left wrist right elbow bent clubface square get back to p2 set up strike downward aoa shaft lean open body
slapping the ground
1.lowball tennis forhand
2. slapping a low "five"
flying wedges with mini rackets
p1 back to p7
Great explanation of arm depth in the golf swing at p3.
at p3 to p4 of top of the back swing the left arm distance from the chest is around the same as it was at address. 2d camera dl is tough to see this. amg or top view would show this
Clearing the hips
early extention
Hip depth
hip slide on wall
mike here explainging hip rotation using ground pushing away from the ball which would then keep the butt on the line or hip depth
mike here explainging hip rotation using ground pushing away from the ball which would then keep the butt on the line or hip depth
this video explains hip tilts
Great explanation of arm depth in the golf swing at p3.
at p3 to p4 of top of the back swing the left arm distance from the chest is around the same as it was at address. 2d camera dl is tough to see this. amg or top view would show this
Right Wrist in golf swing
Great explanation of arm depth in the golf swing at p3.
at p3 to p4 of top of the back swing the left arm distance from the chest is around the same as it was at address. 2d camera dl is tough to see this. amg or top view would show this
Hands move down alot more than out (towards ball)
Great explanation of arm depth in the golf swing at p3.
at p3 to p4 of top of the back swing the left arm distance from the chest is around the same as it was at address. 2d camera dl is tough to see this. amg or top view would show this
hand path FO and DL showing the ark wide and up and in from the right thigh area. Handpath low point
Unhinging the left wrist
the real way to bow the left wrist
Uncocking and shifting all at once feels like casting but youll see lag at p6
ulnar deviating comes from leting out the lag
Pros and Cons holding and realeasing angles
all this measured with electronics
down cocking or un-cocking for
ulnar deviation
p6-p8 drill
6-8 drill
down cock
open up impact
uncocking to 160 degrees at impact
set up 140 degrees at address
Lower Body Rotation from Top view showing left thigh femor over the left leg feet pulls hips around and the swing forward using the ground wether its spinning your feet or pushing off the ground.
Instead of the hips spinning think of them being pulled by the thigh femur. left thigh then the left hip follwed by the right hip
pelvis 42 chest 27 the degrees open p7 tour player
Upper Bobby and Lower Body movements of the golf swing. Basicall starts on top or even and moves for the most part together. Its not the reverse K ist the I letter in the swing.
No tilts (side tilt) stacked on top
Tilting away from the ball at address
video show amount of lateral movement and how the upper and the lower unwind together to keep from sliding too much, Show DJ upper and lower moving forward and unwinding towards the target
Hip Knee Foot lined up at P7
film at 5:00 show upper and lower forward and unwinding
Sliding is basically moving too much laterally in the golf swing and not enough turning to off set the two. The mystery for years have been how to get the hips to shift and turn but the focus has been on the core and pushing off you back foot to achieve this casueing alot of back ackes from the two lagging behing each other putting a crink in the kjoint and the musscles. but using the ground creates another leverage.
This is differnt than Tiger snapping his left knee straight.
Sliding means no hip depth .
Hand Path Going Up
Parametric Acceleration
a way to release and power
clubface is the ceo 3:04
Best golf grip fix Pro Tip:
Grip to right if the ball goes right
Grip to left if the ball goes left
Right arm below the left arm at address right hand approaches under the shaft forcing the right elbow to line up with tthe right hip for right arm plane
under the grip 5:45 (Upper cut)
10:20 sweetspot lag
14:00 sweet spot closure to p7
only way to appreciate shaft lean
The unhinging of the lefts wrist for an arched flat left wrist
Bowing of the left wrist Arching the left wrist
Unhinging the left wrist